Best part of this photograph…

The really happy bride? Nope. (though that is awesome)
The maid of honor busting a gut with laughter? Nope. (try again)
The family and friends all surrounding the bride? Nope. (love is great… but that’s not it)
The motion captured – dress flying, beads floating in the air? Nope. Nope. (fun, but sorry)

Check on the floor, to the right of the girl in yellow. Yep. A dog, chillin’ on the dance floor… how cool.

Colleen and Kyle : Photostation!

(My) Colleen, my usual second photographer and photostation-runner-extraordinaire was attending a good friends wedding during (Kyle’s) Colleen and Kyle’s big party… So I contacted another photographer friend of mine, Dave Swartz, and he helped me out by running the photostation during Colleen and Kyle’s reception.  Dave enjoyed himself a lot… As did his ‘customers’. 🙂

Minnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation PhotographMinnesota Wedding Photographer Not a Photobooth Photostation Photograph

p.s.  “Enraged” does not equal “Engaged”.   Remember that if you are ever printing anything.  heh. 😉.

Alyssa and Mark : Wedding Photographs

Old school meets modern would be a great way of describing Alyssa and Mark’s wedding, plus lots of heat, powerful storms… and yet still somehow great weather.  Hrm… not sure how that works, but it did.

We started off at Estetica Salon & Spa with the girls while the guys hit the bars and threw some darts.  The girls finished getting ready at the St. Paul Hotel before heading to the church. I love the satin-y bridesmaids dresses and how the light played off the folds… very cool.  Next was a beautiful ceremony followed by a off-balance dance party while riding the Twin Cities Trolley to Sweeny’s bar for between-event drinks… impromptu itinerary addition of the Happy Gnome and life was even more beer-a-licious. (If you haven’t noticed, the plan was to basically criss-cross [make you jump, jump!!] the area we did their engagement photographs last fall).  Off to the stunning Landmark Center for an amazing reception, dinner and dance.  Even Obama made a showing. 😉


Susan and Troon : Wedding Teaser

Just got back from a fabulous weekend on the north shore with Susan, Troon, their family and friends and wanted to throw up a quick shot from their Minnesota/Scotland (yes, it works) meets Louisiana wedding.  Rockin’ the Kilt on the shore of Lake Superior.


Sara and Gaby : Mariachitastic!!

Colleen and I drove out to Milwaukee (West Bend area) for Sara and Gaby’s wedding.  I’ll just say… the margaritas were a flowin’, the mariachi band was a playin’, the sombreros were a stylin’, the guests were a laughin’, and the newlyweds were a smoochin’.  (How’s that for pre-emptive ending of words… 🙂  )   Quite the festive night – congrats Sara and Gaby!

Mariachi band.  For real.


Summer has officially come to MN…

The raspberries are ripe, the peas (and other veggie garden wonderfulness) are growing, and Mama Duck was successful in keeping Kona away from her nest long enough for the ducklings to hatch and make it down to the pond…

p.s. For you photo geeks, these are basically straight-out-of-the-camera JPGs..

Meghan and Scott : Wedding Photographs

Meghan and Scott got engaged 5 years ago — so they had a lot of time to plan their wedding.  That time was well spent.

Their wedding was held at good ol’ SJU (Go Johnnies!!) in the Abbey. The Abbey is sweet, it’s where all the cool people get married (Did I mention that’s where Colleen and I got married?).   They hadn’t seen one another before the ceremony, so when Meghan came down the aisle it was a good thing that Scott’s brother was one of the officiants (how cool, right?) to help Scott pull it back together.   A quick smooch (them, not me…;) ) and we popped on over to the new Gorecki Center at St. Bens for a little wedding Plinko (oh yes, Plinko), dinner, speeches, and a first dance that turned into a choreographed event that had everyone hootin’ and hollerin’.

And of course, in that grand SJU tradition, piano man with pants at the ankles to end the night…


Ilona and Drew: Minnesota Winter Wedding

In honor of our recent mid-MAY snowfall (gotta love Minnesota, right?), I figure I’d blog Ilona and Drew’s wedding from this last Valentines day up in Anoka.  It was a small gathering of their closest friends on Drew’s parents estate … outside.  Yep, Outside, Minnesota, Winter… My fingers just recently started to have feeling again… heh. No, seriously, it was cool — they got married in the exact same spot they got engaged.   The short ceremony was followed by a very informal reception in the basement bar (sweet!) of their house, where Drew and his family treated 30-or-so of us to some good eats, fun speeches, and great company.
