As promised: The Kona uber-year-in-review post, with enough cuteness to make a Care Bear flinch!
(Kona:) I like to run, and I like to sleep, and going for walks is the best. Sitting is really good, but playing is the best. I met Cooper this year, he was afraid to come out of his kennel, but I helped him be brave. He is my best friend. Baths are scary for me, but I like when Mommy keeps me warm. Running around all wet and getting Daddy’s stuff wet is the best though; he chases me. And playing with my best friend Cooper is the best, me and him are best buds.
Chewing toys is great. I love to lay on the Love Sac, or catch some rays with Mommy…or sit with Mommy, or read with Mommy…She is the best. Wait… playing WITH Mommy ON the Lov Sac WITH toys- that’s the best. Snow was weird, so I ate a lot of it. It didn’t stop Cooper and I from wrestling in the mud. Wrestling with Cooper is the best.
Christmas was… OMG — not as good as my birthday!!! They put a hot thing on a puppy cupcake and sang me songs and put fun things on my head. It felt strange, but I trust Mommy and Daddy (and it made me look super cool for St. Patties or Halloween). Then they said I could eat the cupcake!!! People food!! REALLY?!?! It was the best.
I had a very busy year – Daddy took a lot of pictures of me, I even helped daddy with his photo station. Oh man, that was the best – all the peoples! I love peoples – they are the best. Life is the best.
