I gotta say, Kristine is pretty darn brave. Not only was she willing to climb a tree, hang upside down from monkey-bars, and jump off a picnic table (over me) during their engagement session last fall, but on the day of her wedding, after the makeup has been put on, after the hair, the jewelry, the dress… not long before she was going to be walking down the aisle… her Aunt decides the best method of emergency eyelash separation was “big pair of sharp pointy scissors to the eye”.
It was more comical than it sounds…. but there was no laughing. (at least, not until there was a little scissors-to-eye buffer) 😉
She managed to survive, beautiful eyes intact.  🙂  Got married to her best friend and is likely now gallivanting around Jamaica with him.  Oh, and we got some photographs in there too, but more on that later….
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